Anophelarium:* music not only for mosquitoes' wedding**
*Anopheles - a genus of insect from the family of mosquitoes. Anophelarium is a certain kind of sanatorium or prestigious art residency centre for musically gifted insects. However, as it goes, a talent is difficult to prove and anyone may work his/her way to Anophelarium, somehow. Then, instead of intensive compositional activity, the bugs just fly aimlessly here and there, waste time, sit at places not labeled with a treble clef sign and, sometimes, simply suck. The Greek word Anopheles means “useless”, “without purpose”, after all.
**A Czech folk song describes in detail the wedding music of mosquitoes in the verse “Mosquitoes had wedding day, bzum, bzum, wedding day”.
Based on recordings of water, composed for the meeting of sound recordist on November 19th, 2016 at the Prague club Punctum: Poslechový večer
Electric hearing
A metaphor about how dificult it is to learn hearing with a cochlear implant.
Doctors can sometimes restore hearing even in completely deaf people. During the surgery they insert a special electrode into the non-functional part of the inner ear (cochlea). After healing, the cochlear implant is connected to a miniature device with microphones which starts sending information to the auditory nerve directly in a form of electrical signals instead of sound waves.
During the difficult period of rehabilitation the patients get used to the implant and their brain, in fact, must learn how to “hear” again. Eventually, the most lucky ones are so good that when you chat with them you do not even notice that their hearing isn't natural but “electric”.
Microdream 1
Short sound sketch. What may run through mind of somebody falling asleep in a tram during that short moment before his tilting head eventually arrives to the chest…
Microdream 2
Microdream 3
Microdream 4
Microdream 5
Microdream 6
Microdream 7
February dream
Tinnitus cladensis
The medical term tinnitus is explained as a spontaneous ringing in the ears.
If it rings in your ears you may find relief while listening to this composition because you won't hear your “own” tinnitus for a while. On the other hand, if you have never experienced tinnitus you've got an unique opportunity to try it and learn what's awaiting you…
Summer Sunday afternoon
A short composition about too sleepy and too 'Sunday' mood.
Send music directly to your boss' printer, he / she will certainly like you for that!
The composition was created using plates and empty bottles of traditional delicate French cider, which, if served by small doses, doesn't harm in whatever amount…